INPUD: November 1st, International Drug Users Day (IDUD)
November 1st, International Drug Users Day (IDUD)
November, the 1st, 2007. 8 years after the Dutch Drug Users Intrest Group LSD started the initiative to commemorate our dead peers at that date , the event is already acknowledged by drug users' activists world-wide.
Year after year in increasing number of countries users activists go out on the streets or organize other kinds of advocacy actions to stand up against the Prohibition and all of its logical consequences – reprtesions, discrimination, stigmatization, isolation, marginalization, death, and to demand their human rights and lives to be respected.
And it is good that more and more peers, instead of being just silent victims of the Global War on Drugs, dare to declare themselves as Drug Users' Activists in society and speak out loud about the problems the current policies on drugs create in any public area. Nowadays, after half a century of escalating intolerance, criminalizations, represions, incarcerations, when IV Drug Use HIV epidemics is a reality in half of the world and the escalations of the tension and harms, caused by the Prohibition has reached their peak , the involvement of users activists in policy making process is needed more than ever before. So we INPUD's activists are really happy to see that not only our members but also peers all around the world rise their voice to firmly demand their rights and human dignity to be respected.
Stijn Goossens
The International Network Of People Who Use Drugs