Next round for 2 Users Choice sessions @ 19th IHRC in Barcelona

Dear Friends, INPUD Activists,
I received a lot of messages from INPUD Activists from around the world on the call for idea's on 2 Users Choice major sessions for the 19th IHRC in Barcelona. You can read all the messages (with explanations on proposed session titels) on the INPUD forum: Call for ideas on 2 Users Choice major sessions
I've copied all proposed titles and put them together in subject related categories. The next days these are open for comments and if needed changes. Then on Monday 10 September I’ll open a poll to make a final vote for two Users Choice Majors.
Here below you can read what was send in. Let us know your questions, remarks, etc so I can take this into account putting together the final poll.
Thanks for your input,
and open for more
Here it is:
Decriminalization of personal use
Drug policy liberalization
Decriminalization of drugs - allowable amount for personal use.
The war on drugs - does it work?
Tuberculosis, HIV, Hepatitis
Drug users living with HIV/AIDS are dying of HEP-c
Drug users and Tuberculosis - free treatment and diagnostics, discrimination
Urgent need to address ILWHA (Injecting drug users living with HIV/AIDS co-infection with HCV in the developing & under develop countries
HCV and HIV Issues
We talk a lot about HIV and hepatitis, but what about TB?!
Discrimination vs rights
User is also human
Breaking human rights,how we can protect ourselves from to change that?
educating police,educating users
Gender, encourage conversation around pregnant addictive women, their reproductive rights, how stigma and discrimination prevent them from services and "assist" to abandonment of newborn Children and, certainly, women inmates, they still non-priority group for preventive interventions
Remuneration of labour, discrimination and possibility to organize something like international charter or union of drug addicts working in Harm Reduction.
The Internal Drug Policies of Service Providers, Advocacy Groups, and NGOs
Quality Control: DU Access to Information on the Quality of Drugs in Local Markets
Not equal access to treatment and not being able to chose what kind of therapy we want (only drug free, discrimination by place of living, gender)
Protecting the rights of people using drugs.
Users' are humane too!
Access to drug treatment options with regard to developing countries.
Scientific research and quality control of drugs as the important orientations for drug users.
We're People who use drugs
The culture of drug use
Drug Use and Pleasure: It's Not All About Suffering
Nothing without us
The User is the expert
Substitution treatment. How long it will be under control of narcologic clinics? How and when we stop corruption within ST program? What selection criteria should be for this programs?!
Increase of coverage by harm reduction programmes, involvement of new IDUs. How to do it?
Self-organization of activists.
Consumer (Drug user) Advocacy Groups, Who's Really Listening? (How user involvement has been
successful and what makes a successful user group)
Why world needs integration of DU,service providers,medical doctors and social workers-effects of integrated approach
How should looks good replacement therapy program from the user point of view
Science and DU Involvement
Development of self-organized NGOs and drug-users networks on the national and international levels.
Interaction and joint activities. Language barrier. Possibility to participate in such conferences both representatives from organizations which give financial support and representatives from our organizations, who really work "locally" - with target group, or for the small groups of drug users with translator.
User Organizing/community organizing
Community mobilization. How to achieve the goal and at what expense?
Capacity building & resource trapping among the injecting community across the globe.
How to start and maintain a user group.
Forming of a new consumers' subculture - the replacement therapy clients;
Organisations Run by DU
Drug Users Activists influence on local and global drug policy
Harm Reduction
Psycho-stimulants - possibilities of harm reduction and world's experience in this context;
Street Work: Street Peer Workers, Street Lawyers, Street Nurses, Street Psychologist
Guest dose for participants of substitutive program.
Scale up the existing Harm Reduction activities with Care and Support program in the developing and under develop countries.
Harm reduction and New Drugs (like cocaine and ATS)
More detailed Discussion on issues related to injecting drug users
Post your comments,
Next stage is the voting poll starting Monday 10 September
All the best,
Stijn Goossens