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Feb 18, 2008

INPUD Director Invited by UNAIDS for High-Level Meeting on AIDS

Geneva, 15 February 2008

Dear Mr Goossens,

Invitation to the

2008 High-Level Meeting on AIDS Civil Society Task Force

26-27 February 2008, New York

The United Nations General Assembly President’s Office has requested UNAIDS Secretariat to convene a Task Force of civil society representatives to advise in key decisions relating to attendance and participation of civil society organizations in the High Level Meeting on AIDS to be held in New York from 10 to 11 June 2008.

The Task Force will report to the General Assembly President’s Office and seek to provide a key link into the UN for the key civil society constituencies engaged in the AIDS response. Task Force representatives will be asked to work with the UN on developing key aspects of the Review. The role of representatives will be unpaid but expenses and travel will be met by UNAIDS.

UNAIDS, on behalf of the Office of the General Assembly President, is inviting 12 individuals from civil society and the private sector to join the Task Force. Individuals were identified for invitation following a lengthy consultation process involving the Civil Society Support Mechanism and Support group, UNAIDS and the Office of the General Assembly President.

I am pleased to inform you that you are among those who have been selected and would like to invite you to attend the first Task Force meeting in New York on 26-27 February 2008. Subsequent Task Force meetings are likely to take place on March 25-26, 6-7 May and 8 June 2008.

You will be receiving shortly a formal invitation letter to participate in the Task Force from the President of the United Nations General Assembly.

The attached Information Note outlines details about the meeting and your attendance. Upon confirmation of your attendance, any additional meeting documents will be sent to you separately.

Yours sincerely,

Kate Thomson
Acting Chief, Civil Society Partnerships


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